Troubleshooting | QIO peripherals stuck in initializing or missing state after upgrading firmware

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Affected Products

Hardware Model/Series All QIO peripherals
Software 9.8.2


QIO peripheral may get stuck in various statuses (other than OK) after upgrading to 9.8.2


in rare instances, a QIO might not reboot correctly after a firmware upgrade to 9.8.2. This can cause it to be stuck in an a non working state.


Solution | Workaround

  • In most cases, a redeploy of the design on the core will bring the QIO back into an “OK” state.
  • If a redeploy does not work, soft-reboot the QIO via the Peripheral Manager page
  • If that still doesn't work, redeploy the design to the core again (after a QIO soft-reboot)