How To | Use MP-M 3rd Party Control using PuTTY

Learn how to remotely access and control 3rd party systems using PuTTY, a powerful and versatile network communication tool.

Updated at May 22nd, 2023


PuTTY is an open-source terminal emulator that supports several network protocols.  PuTTY can communicate command strings defined in the API to the MP-M for external control. 

Prior to attempting to connect using PuTTY, verify the following:

  • The MP-M and the local Windows computer are on the same local area network.
  • Have access to IP Address of the MP-M.
  • Have access to the password listed in MP Install for MP External Control. 

Using PuTTY to initiate and perform 3rd Party control

  1. Launch PuTTY and select one the supported Connection Type.
    1. RAW
    2. Telnet 


      The example shown is using RAW.


  2. Enter in the MP-M IP Address in to the Host Name (or IP Address) text field.
    1. Example:
  3. Enter the port number identified for MP External Control in the API in to the Port text field.
    1. Example: 17999 (Default port for MP-M API communication). 

  1. Click Open to initiate the PuTTY terminal window.

MP-M Responses

  • Connected to MPM - Port negotiated and ready for Login. 
  • Blank Terminal - IP Address or Port number are incorrect. 
  1. Login to the MP-M using the password for MP External Control
    1. Example: cv global pw Test3

MP-M Responses

  • Success - Login is successful > Enter next control command.
  • Incorrect - Incorrect password entered > re-enter syntax with correct password.
  • Connected to MPM - Incorrect syntax > re-enter correct syntax with password.
  1. Enter a test command to verify control for Zone 8 output volume.  
  • Syntax: cv zone8 volume              
  • Value: 0
  • Example: cv zone8 volume 0

MP-M Responses

  • cv zone8 volume  0 - command accepted and change applied.
  • NAK - Incorrect syntax > re-enter correct syntax with value.
  1. Verify the volume change has been applied in MP install.
  2. Enter a new test command to increase level for Zone 8 output volume.
  • Syntax: cv zone8 volume              
  • Value: 80
  • Example: cv zone8 volume 80


MP-M Responses

  • cv zone8 volume  80 - Command accepted and change applied.
  • NAK - Incorrect syntax > re-enter correct syntax

This verifies that the MP External control is functional.

To understand more about the available Application Programming Interface (API), please reference the MP-M Control Protocol Reference Guide.

Items for awareness:

·         External Command port 17999 will only remain open for 60 seconds.  The port will close automatically if there is no activity.  For prolonged connectivity, a “Keep Alive” command must be acknowledged by the MP-M before the port closes.  Once closed, the port will need to be opened and login credentials will need to be entered.

Example “Keep Alive”:   cg global version\n

·         The MP-M will not accept Telnet sessions from the Windows CMD prompt.

·         Control Commands are not routable and therefore must be initiated from within the same local area network as the MP-M.

·         Only one external control device can be connected to the MP-M at any one time.  Once the first connection is terminated, a connection from a second device can be initiated.


·         Unable to establish 3rd party control to the MP-M

Verify password is correct

Verify the Local Computer IP is in the same subnet as the MP-M and no conflicts exist.

Verify the MP-M IP address is correct in Putty

Verify the Port Number is correct in PuTTY.

Verify the correct Protocol is selected in PuTTY.

Try a direct connection to the MP-M with the local computer

·         PuTTY closes on its own.

The External Connection will time out after 60 seconds of inactivity.  When the port closes, PuTTY will close.