How To | Connecting to the Q-SYS Netgear NS Series Gen 2 M4250 Network Switches using the USB/RJ-45 console port

Learn how to connect to Q-SYS Netgear NS Series Gen 2 M4250 Network Switches using the USB/RJ-45 console port.

Updated at July 27th, 2024


  1.  Connect the PC to the switch using a Type USB-C Port or the RJ-45 RS232 console port located on the back of the switch


    If using the USB-C port, you must install the USB driver on the computer. You can download the driver by visiting

  2. Start a terminal emulation program (TEP) using the appropriate method for your operating system. Putty is shown in the screenshot below.


    Be sure to select the correct serial port. In Windows, you can do this by navigating to Device Manager > Ports (COM & LPT) to determine the correct COM port being used.

  3.  Configure the TEP to use the following settings:
    1. Baud rate: 115200 bps
    2. Data bits: 8
    3. Parity: none
    4. Stop bit: 1
    5. Flow control: non
  4. Start the connection.