FAQ | What do the NIC LED colors on a Q-SYS Core 110f mean?

Understand the meaning of the colored LED lights on the Q-SYS Core 110f Network Interface Card (NIC).

Updated at May 16th, 2023



  • When the left LED is illuminated it indicates a valid link to a network switch.
  • The left LED blinks at a nominal rate while there are network transmissions in process, which should be most of the time once the Core has booted.

Link Speed: 

  • If the Link LED is illuminated, but the Link Speed LED is not, the Core has established a 10 Mbps link to a switch.
  • If the Link Speed LED is illuminated GREEN, the Core has established a 100 Mbps to a switch.
  • If the Link Speed LED is illuminated ORANGE, the Core has established a 1000 Mbps link to a switch.