Tip | When to use the Flip-Flop component

Discover the best scenarios to utilize the Flip-Flop component in your design.

Updated at June 25th, 2024


The Flip-Flop is a control component that converts a trigger type input to a Boolean type output. Sometimes when programming in Q-SYS Designer you may encounter scenarios where the component in use only uses trigger control information, but Boolean control information is required for a given situation. 

Below are some examples using the Flip-Flop component:

Example 1

In this example there is a physical momentary button connected to the GPIO input, but you'd like for it function like a toggle button..

  1. Hard wire the button to a Digital Input pin on the GPIO connector on the Q-SYS device that has it (i.e., QIO-GP8x8 or the Core 8 Flex).
  2. In Q-SYS Designer, wire the Digital Input pin to the Toggle Input Control Pin of a Flip-Flop component.

  1. When the design is running, press the momentary button, a trigger is sent through the GPIO to the Toggle Input Control Pin on the Flip-Flop. The Flip-Flop changes State.

Every time the button is pressed, the Flip-Flop changes State.


Example 2

In this scenario, we have two physical momentary buttons, one for turning something on, and the other for turning something off.

  1. Hard wire the two buttons to two of the Digital Input pins on the GPIO connector on the Q-SYS device that has it (i.e., QIO-GP8x8 or the Core 8 Flex).
  2. In Q-SYS Designer, wire one Digital Input pin to the Set Input Control Pin, wire the other to the Reset Input Control Pin of a Flip-Flop component.

  1. When the design is running, press the ON (or "Set") momentary button, a trigger is sent through the GPIO to the Set Control Pin on the Flip-Flop. Depending on the Flip-Flop's current State, the Flip-Flop may change State.
  2. Press the OFF (or "Reset") button, after pressing the ON button, the Flip-Flop changes State.