FAQ | Why does the "Connect" button on my Attero Tech plug-in keep turning off?

Discover why the Connect button on your Attero Tech plug-in keeps turning off, and how to fix it.

Updated at May 22nd, 2023


All Attero Tech plug-ins currently have a "Connect" button or in the case of the C1 a "Locate" button. For the plug-in to operate, this button *MUST* be in the "on" state (this is indicated when the button is orange). 

The plug-in itself has no control over the state of this button so if the button is changing state, something external to the plug-in is controlling it.

One likely cause of this is when the design is loaded from a file then pushed to the Core. A design file contains not only the design but also the state of the controls so if a design is pushed which has the button turned off, the state of the button will be forced to off regardless what the state was before. It is therefore important to make sure the design file on the PC is saved with the state of these buttons set to on.

To do this, once the file is pushed, and the plug-ins all correctly connected with the buttons in the "On" state, save the design file again.