FAQ | What makes the Q-SYS implementation of AES67 so special?

Learn more about why the Q-SYS implementation of AES67 is a reliable and powerful audio network platform for multimedia and live sound.

Updated at June 5th, 2023


Q-SYS is a software-based processing platform running on QSC’s own Linux distribution that adds real-time extensions required for high performance audio processing. This allows QSC to customize the behavior of Q-SYS using software changes rather than requiring new hardware whenever QSC qants to do something new, as is often the case with most other products in our market. In the case of AES67, we were able to add support to our network drivers without compromising the existing Q-LAN capability. Because of this, the Q-SYS Cores can run AES67 and Q-LAN on the same network interface ports simultaneously. 

Additionally, since Q-SYS is fully software based, this new firmware can be installed on every Q-SYS Core ever sold giving those 1st generation Q-SYS Core processors, access to this new functionality.