FAQ | What are the Q-SYS NS Dell switch PoE Specs?

Find out the specifications of the PoE switches in the Q-SYS NS Dell series.

Updated at May 22nd, 2023


Each switch has a maximum power capacity; end users must budget device power needs accordingly.

PoE Power Budget

  • N1108P-ON: 75W
  • N1124P-ON: 190W
  • N1148P-ON: 375W

Ports that support PoE, by switch model:

  • 1108P-ON Power-over-Ethernet Plus (PoE/PoE+) Ports: 4 (ports 1 to 4)
  •  N1124P-ON Power-over-Ethernet Plus (PoE/PoE+) Ports: 12 (ports 5 to 16)
  •  N1148P-ON Power-over-Ethernet Plus (PoE/PoE+) Ports: 24 (ports 1 to 24)

To view the switch’s PoE status, type show power inline on the command line, then press Enter.

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