FAQ | If AES67 is in the link, will the latency be the same, shorter or longer?

Find out how AES67 can affect network latency and learn about network performance optimization.

Updated at July 27th, 2024


The mandated AES67 1ms latency is the same as the Q-LAN 1ms latency; however, Total System Latency may vary with AES67 source and endpoints depending upon their architecture, A/D and D/A performance.

Every manufacturer must implement the mandated 1ms option in order to ensure compatibility with all other AES67 devices; this is the default setting in the AES67 components within Q-SYS Designer Software. Q-LAN v5.3 upwards also uses 1ms point-to-point for its network latency.

Total system latency is the sum of all A/D, D/A, network and processing latencies and those figures may vary from product to product. Q-SYS v5.3 upwards offers a fixed total system latency of 3.167ms for any analog input to any analog output.