FAQ | Does the Attero Tech by QSC unD3IO have a replacement?

Discover whether there is a replacement part available for the Attero Tech by QSC unD3IO.

Updated at May 10th, 2023


The unD3IO has been replaced by the unD6IO. There are some difference between the units. The major differences are as follows:

  1. The Ethernet jack faces downwards so the cable comes out the bottom of the unit as opposed to straight out the back.
  2. The unD6IO has got two XLR inputs on the front where the unD3IO had one input and one output
  3. The unD6IO has a side connector with two additional line inputs. 
  4. The unD6IO now supports phantom power @ 48V.
  5. The unD6IO has improved input performance with max input signal being +20dBu with the pad enabled (the maximum the unD3IO could do was +8 to +12dBu I think - I'd need to look it up)
  6. The unD6IO has a factory reset.