Error / Status | Frame Overrun

Updated at October 3rd, 2023

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Event log message: Core is in fault because Frame overrun 


Q-SYS Products have a control engine which handles monitoring peripherals, scripting and general control operations. A Frame overrun occurs when the products high priority control processing that is supposed to run every 33mS did not complete in time. 

This could cause ramps to stutter, meters to skip an update or delayed control triggers.

An intermittent report of a single frame overrun is typically nothing to worry about. Frame overruns will commonly happen in a large design during a disconnect. These can also happen right after a design is loaded or stopped.


Solution | Workaround

Frame overruns are typically caused by a heavy loaded cores with little control cpu headroom.  If you experience this type of error, monitor your core by looking at the “control Compute Usage” meter in the Cores status block (verbose mode must be enabled).  If the compute usage is spiking to 100%, this is more than likely the cause.
Control data and processing can be processed in large batches. If your cores baseline control compute usage is over 85%, it can increase the changes of your core experiencing a frame overrun.

Reducing the amount of control processing (Control, scripts, peripheral count) can lower the overall control CPU usage and prevent this message from occurring.

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