How To | Using the Selector component to change pages on a UCI

Learn how to effectively use the Selector component to easily change the viewed page on a UCI, improving navigation and accessibility for users.

Updated at April 4th, 2024


Use the following steps for using a selector to change the pages on a UCI:


  • UCI License
  • TSC Hardware or UCI Viewer Component in the design
  1. Build out the UCI with Pages.
  2. Add the Status/Control Component for the TSC to the design.
    1. or add a UCI Viewer Component if using the UCI Viewer or iOS application.
  3. Expose the “Current Page” control pin on the TSC Status/Control Component
    1. or UCI Viewer Component
  4. Add a Selector component to the design.
  5. Make the “Selection Count” match the number of pages in the UCI
  6. Connect the “Output control pin on the Selector to the ”Current Page" control pin on the TSC Status/Control Component.
  7. Emulate the design.
  8. Open the Selector component and change the text in the Output field to match the name of the pages on the UCI.
    1. If the page name doesn't match the Output name in the selector the UCI page will not change on the TSC.
    2. ex: UCI page is called "01_Video" text in the output field would be “01_Video.
  9. Leave Emulation
  10. Construct the UCI using the Selector buttons as Navigation buttons.
  11. Save the design to the core. 

At this point when you press a button in the selector component the String in the “Current Page” on the TSC Status/Control or UCI Viewer component will reflect the name of the UCI's page and you will see that page on the hardware. 


This will not change the page in Q-SYS Designer Software or web UCI. Page changes will only be displayed on the Touch Screen Controller or iOS Application.