How To | Import (insert, copy) Global Cache IP2IR GC-100 IR codeset JSON

Learn how to import IR codeset JSON files into Global Cache IP2IR GC-100 devices, enabling remote control of IR devices.

Updated at May 22nd, 2023


The Control Tower Plugin will be needed to convert the IR Codesets to JSON.  Once converted the JSON needs to be transferred to the correct plugin for use.  These are the steps for using the Global Cache Online Database.

  1. Add Global Cache Control Tower plugin to a design.
  2. Emulate the design. 
  3. Inside the Global Cache Control Tower plugin select the "Online Database" Tab.
  4. Select the "Connect to Database" button to make it go high.
  5. Select the manufacturer and the device to get the codes from the Global Cache Database.
  6. Press the "Get Codesets" button - this will download the codes to the local database.
  7. Now go to the "Local Database" tab.
  8. In "brand" select the brand that was just downloaded.
  9. Now the JSON code for all of commands will show up in the lower "Codesets JSON" window.
  10. Select the lower window. press ctrl+a to select all then press ctrl+c to copy.

Section for the actual pasting of the code

  1. Now open the Global Cache IP2IR or the Global Cache GC-100 plugin either on the running core or the emulated file.
  2. Go to the "IR Codeset" tab.
  3. In the "Paste IR JSON Here" section paste the JSON by selecting it and either right clicking to paste or pressing ctrl+P.





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