How To | Activate Feature License offline without Entitlement ID.

Learn how to activate a Q-SYS Feature License without an Entitlement ID or a purchased QSC Feature License.

Updated at June 5th, 2023


The steps below are assuming that Q-SYS Designer has notified you that you require one or more software licenses but you have no Entitlement ID or License. In this case the appropriate software licenses will need to be purchased via your QSC Reseller. 


You will need internet access on a PC or Smartphone to transfer the Core Locking ID and Licenses Files.

  1. Copy the Q-SYS Core Model and Q-SYS Core Locking ID to your PC or Smartphone.
  2. Provide those details to your Sales administrator in order to purchase a software license through your QSC reseller.
  3. Request that your QSC Reseller activate the software license against the Core Model and Locking ID that you have provided to them.
  4. They will email you a License String or License File.
  5. Go back to the Q-SYS Core License Manager web interface.
  6. Paste the License String in to the text field – or – Click ‘Upload A License File’ and use the Windows File Explorer to locate the License File.
  7. Click ‘Apply License’.
  8. Check that the appropriate licenses are listed under Installed Licenses.
  9. If you are unable to purchase a software license then please call QSC Sales Support.


For more information, watch out YouTube video. 



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