FAQ | Why are the fields grayed out in the Telephone Paging plugin?

Learn why the fields in the Telephone Paging plugin are greyed out and how to make them available.

Updated at May 11th, 2023


Grayed-out fields in the Telephone Paging plugin can mean that the plugin has encountered an error. It may not be able to find the correct required components (for example, a uniquely named Paging Router, POTS/Softphone Controller, and Loop Player).

The plugin may also be looking for a subdirectory that does not exist. Typically, the plugin will log an error in the Debug window. The sample design, as provided by QSC, looks for Audio/IVR. That is where the typical IVR .wav files should be placed. If that directory does not exist (with files), or if a non-existent directory is configured, this issue will occur. This can happen when the plugin is copied from a different design where the defaults were changed (other than the sample file).