FAQ | What is the video latency between an NV-32-H Encoder HDMI input and NV-32-H Decoder HDMI output?

This article describes video latency between an NV-32-H Encoder HDMI input and NV-32-H Decoder HDMI output, helping users understand the optimal output from their equipment.

Updated at July 27th, 2024


Assuming a proper network configuration, the maximum latency between an NV-32-H Encoder HDMI input and NV-32-H Decoder HDMI output is less than 15 mS + 1 frame (the faster of either the source or output frame rate), not accounting for additional latency from display processing and other factors.


At 60 FPS, you can effectively reduce the latency by a factor of half compared to 30 FPS. At 60 FPS, the latency is approximately 16.9 mS compared to 34 mS at 30 FPS.