FAQ | What information is useful for 3rd party control systems and where is it available?

Learn what data is necessary for optimal operation of 3rd party control systems, and how to obtain it.

Updated at July 27th, 2024


Depending on the method of control, this answer may vary. Many systems make use of Named Control access. Crestron uses that in their formal module sets. Extron does as well. However, programmers that customize their code may choose to leverage Q-SYS Remote Control's (QRC) more powerful Named Component access.

If Named Controls are in use, there is an XML file that can be supplied to a programmer of a 3rd party control system. It can be created and saved on a PC by selecting Tools > Extract Named Controls from within Q-SYS Designer. This file lists the Named Control names, Control Types, and other information related to the the internal assignments within the Q-SYS design file. However, if this file has not been supplied to the programmer.

Details about naming and counts for Snapshot Banks can also be found in this same file.

If a listing of Named Components in a design is required, there is a similar JSON formatted file for this information. This information is generally found as needed within Q-SYS Designer by using the Tools > View Component Controls Info for each uniquely named component.