FAQ | How to decode a Product Serial number?

How do I determine if my product is under warranty using the serial number

Updated at February 4th, 2025


There are multiple variations of QSC/Q-SYS product serial numbers. Understanding when a product was manufactured will determine if the product is under warranty. 

Serial Numbers with Various MFG Date Code Formats

14-Character/Digit Serial Number with Date Code Format “ooooYYWWoxxxxx”

Serial Number Format

The MFG date code starts at the fifth digit and follows the MFG date code “YYWW”. The last five digits “xxxxx” is the sequential number. Other “o” digits are manufacturing and control codes. Serial number digits are alphanumeric.

“YYWW” Decoder

Year and Week. Add 2000 to YY.


“oooo2149oxxxxx”. 2000 + Y (21) = 2021; 49 = 49th week. Therefore, the MFG date would be the 49th week of 2021.


9-Digit Serial Number (Three MFG Date Code Variations)


These formats are no longer used in production.


“xWWYYxxxx” Format
“xMYxxxxxx” Format
“MMYYxxxxx” Format

Serial Number Format

First digit “x” indicates an individual factory. “MY” is the MFG date code and xxxxxx is the sequential number. Digits are alphanumeric.

“xMY” Decoder

Month and Year. Must use the “MY” Decoder (see figure) to translate the letter of month and year accordingly. In addition to the Year of the decoder chart, 9 = 2009; A = 2010; B = 2011; C = 2012, D = 2013; E = 2014; F = 2015.


“x0917xxxx”. 09 = 9th week; 2000 + Y = 2017. Therefore, the MFG date would be the 9th week of 2017.

Serial Number Format

First digit “x” indicates an individual factory. “MY” is the MFG date code and xxxxxx is the sequential number. Digits are alphanumeric.

“xMY” Decoder

Month and Year. Must use the “MY” Decoder (see figure) to translate the letter of month and year accordingly.

In addition to the Year of the decoder chart, 9 = 2009; A = 2010; B = 2011; C = 2012, D = 2013; E = 2014; F = 2015.


“xDHxxxxxx”. Month “D” = April; Year “H” = 2017. Therefore, the MFG date would be April 2017.

Serial Number Format

MMYY is the MFG date code and xxxxx is the sequential number. All digits are numeric.

“MMYY” Decoder

Month and Year. This serial number format has been used before and after the year 2000. Therefore, you must determine and add the proper year number (1900 / 2000) to the year “YY”.


  1. “0895xxxxx”. 08 = August; 1900 + YY = 1995. Therefore, MFG date: August 1995.

  2. “0815xxxxx”. 08 = August; 2000 + YY = 2015. Therefore, MFG date: August 2015.


8-Digit Serial Number


Not used in production since January 1, 1990.


Serial Number Format

“MMYxxxxx”. MMY is the MFG date code and xxxxx is the sequential number. All digits are numeric.

“MMY” Decoder

Month and Year of 198x.


“105xxxxx”. 10 = October; 1980 + Y (5) = 1985. Therefore, MFG date: October 1985.



If you need any further information regarding these Serial Number Decoder instructions, Create a Case or contact Q-SYS Technical Support.