How To | Connecting to a Core with no OLED display after factory reset

Learn the steps for connecting to a Core with no OLED display after it has been factory reset.

Updated at July 27th, 2024


Some Core models do not have an OLED screen to provide network information. After a factory reset, the Lan A and B ports are set to auto DHCP. The steps below describe how to find the network information of the Core after a reset.

  1. Directly connect your PC to Lan A or B. 
    1. Set your PC NIC to obtain an IP automatically. This will allow the PC to obtain a Link Local IP address, 169.254.x.x.
  2. Open QDS and go to Tools>Show Configurator to see if the Core is visible. 

    Is the Core visible in Configurator?





    Proceed with programming as normal (Set hostname, IP, etc.).


    Check that the version QDS is allowed through the firewall on all network types (Click Here for more info).


    If you are not allowed to make changes, you may need to check with your PC administrator for assistance.


    After adjusting firewall settings, is the Core visible?





    Proceed with programming as normal (Set hostname, IP, etc.).


    Open a command prompt on the PC and follow the steps 3 and 4  below:



Only use steps 3 and 4 if necessary from the above instructions.

  1. Type in "arp -a". Only two entries will be visible with a 169.254.x.x IP in the table; the core, and a broadcast address of
  2. Go to File>Preferences>Hardlink. 
    1. Add a Hardlink by clicking the plus button.
    2. Type in the IP of the core in the Hardlink window, press OK. 

The core should now be visible.