Awareness | PL Series EASE Guide

Understand the details of the PL Series gll files for EASE Focus

Updated at August 26th, 2024

This article provides details of the PL Series gll files for EASE Focus. The gll files are packaged together for convenience and may be downloaded from the PL Series product pages, or by clicking here.

MAX SPL Notice

Prior to the release of PL Series, QSC has aligned the max SPL of the EASE gll with its Max SPL PEAK calculated catalogue value.

From now on, and in following EASE recommendations, the gll will be aligned with the CONTINUOUS RMS measured value (into RMS protection after 1 minute at 1m).

The new datasheets will display the following:

  • System max SPL, Continuous: Used for simulation. Measured 1m on-axis in free space after 1mn. Pink noise 12dB crest Factor into RMS protection, Z weight, RMS value
  • System max SPL, Peak: Same as Continuous SPL +12dB CF
  • System SPL Peak, Calculated: Provided for reference with former specs, Calculated from rated noise power and sensitivity +6dB

Max SPL are given for Passive systems. When operating in Bi-amp, you will have roughly 2dB more.


Gain Notice - EASE Focus

We have used the line array template of EASE to avoid having too many gll files (one per model).

As a result, the Gain control should be done using the DSP “Filter” view. The Gain from the Object properties won't change the gain from one object to the other.

To do this:

  1. Enable the filter view by adjusting the  “file/option/environment/functionality” to Extended.
  2. Then click on the on the double arrows in the lower right corner to be able to edit this gain.


Release History

Most Recent Release

update (see changes below)

  • PL-LA (v1_07) 
  • PL-DC (v1_5)  
  • PL-SUB (v1) 
  • PL-CA (v1_1) 13 Aug 2024

GLL History

PL-CA gll history

v 1.1

Adjusted measured max SPL after protection tuning

  • PL-CA5 - 107dB (Old Value 102dB)
  • PL-CA6 -  111dB  (Old Value 109dB )
  • PL-CA8 - 115dB  (Old Value 112dB )
  • PL-CA12 - 119dB  (Old Value 115.5dB )
  • PL-CA15 - 120dB  (Old Value 117.5dB )

v 1.02

  • Opening Angle enabled (seen when mapping is not calculated )
  • PL-SUB15 can be flown alone
  • Updated SPL according to Datasheet Continuous SPL

v 1.00

Initial release


PL-DC  gll history

v 1.5

  • Opening Angle enabled (seen when mapping is not calculated )

v 1.4

Initial release


PL-LA8 gll history

v 1.07

  • Opening Angle enabled (seen when mapping is not calculated )

v 1.06

Initial release


PL-LA12  gll history

v 1.07

  • Opening Angle enabled (seen when mapping is not calculated )
  • Fixed a bug preventing more than 1 PL-SUB18 when ground stacked

v 1.6

Initial release


PL-SUB gll history


Initial release




PL-LA Series

Pull Back

The pull-back accessories (PL-LA8-PB, PL-LA12-PB) are not included in EASE simulation. They should be used when the Pinpoint 11 of the array frame (or Pinpoint 8 of the extension bar) does not allow reach to the desired Down Tilt. (See negative Delta near the Pinpoint drop list.) In this case, EASE won’t produce an accurate mechanical calculation as a part of the load supported by the pull-back.


Crossover can be found in the filter settings. Use the “Crossover” Input configuration when using any crossover. The simulation acoustic results are the same using 80-100 or 125Hz crossover in Q-SYS.

PL-LA8.gll v1.07

Contains the following Setups (refer to the User Manual for detail).

Flown : PL-LA8-AF Down Tilt

This configuration uses the Array Frame in its default position.

Flown : PL-LA8-AF Up Tilt

This configuration uses the Array Frame in its reversed position allowing a larger up tilt.

Flown Ext. Bar EB3082 Down Tilt

This configuration uses the Extension Bar pointing to the BACK of the Array frame in default position for greater Down Tilt.

Flown Ext. Bar EB3082 Up Tilt

This configuration uses the Extension Bar pointing to the FRONT of the Array frame in default position for greater Up Tilt.

Ground Stack

Ground stacking of the PL-LA imply the use of the Array Frame upside down.


PL-LA12.gll v1.07

The PL-LA12 gll is similar to the PL-LA8 gll (see above) with the following additions supporting the use of the PL-SUB18.

Flown : PL-SUB18 + PL-LA12-AF

This Setup allows an array of PL-SUB18 Cabinets (either PL-SUB18 or PL-SUB18 CARDIO -facing backward-).

Selecting the “Straight Link” (in the Cabinet drop list) will change the remaining Cabinets into PL-LA12s.

Ground Stack SUB

Use the PL-SUB18 instead of the Array Frame. No Array Frame are needed as the PL-LA12 uses the integrated rigging of the PL-SUB18.


PL-DC.gll v1.5

The PL-DC gll contains all four models PL-DC24, PL-DC26, PL-DC8, PL-DC12 in horizontal setups and only PL-DC26, PL-DC8, PL-DC12 in vertical setup (PL-DC24 has a fixed directivity of 120x50° and is nor designed to be deployed vertically).

Directivity Control

For PL-DC26, PL-DC8, PL-DC12 the Filter Settings contains the following options

  • Default
  • Default rotated
  • Different asymmetric configurations (done by assembling different half horn directivities)
  • No Sub or Crossover

Note that the Opening Angle (seen when mapping is not calculated ) is only displaying the default configuration (90° for PL-DC12, 120° for PL-DC8 and PL-DC12)


PL-CA.gll v1.1

The PL-CA gll supports all 5 PL-CA models PL-CA5, PL-CA6, PL-CA8, PL-CA12, PL-CA15.

It also allows the flown deployment of the PL-CA12 with the PL-SUB15 (Setup “Flown : PL-SUB15 + PL-CA12“) or a PL-SUB15 flown alone.

Crossover can be set in the Filter Settings.

Those loudspeakers being axysymmetric (DMT), there is no distinction between Horizontal and Vertical Setup.


PL-SUB.gll v1

The PL-SUB gll supports the 4 models PL-SUB10, PL-SUB12, PL-SUB15, PL-SUB18.

The PL-SUB18 can be deployed in cardioid mode.