Factory Reset | Q-SYS NS Series Dell Switch

Discover how to use the factory reset feature of Q-SYS NS Series Dell switch.

Updated at September 26th, 2023


Use the following steps to reset a Q-SYS NS Series Dell Switch model NS1108P, NS1124P, and NS1148P to its factory default settings:

1. Turn off switch
2. Connect your computer to the switch via the serial console connection (micro USB)
3. Start a serial terminal session with the COM port you are connected to the switch. Use the 
following serial settings:
     o Speed: 115200
     o Data: 8bit
     o Parity: NONE
     o Stop Bits: 1 bit
     o Flow Control: NONE



Putty is a useful terminal emulator for doing this step.

4. Power on the switch and watch the boot output
5. The switch will provide a startup menu with two options. When this menu appears, press “2” 
and “enter” to enter the boot menu (see below for example CLI output)
6. Next type “10” and “enter” to restore configuration to factory Defaults.
7. The CLI will report on the console when the settings are erased.
8. Remove power from the switch.